About Us
Howe Insurance Services is a National Insurance Agency that helps people between the ages of 40 – 85 get the Best Value for their money when it comes to buying Easy Issue Life Insurance.
We were established in 1981, we’re Veteran Owned, we’re Rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau, and we’ve issued and paid for more than One Billion Dollars worth of Life Insurance.
We Represent
More Than 100 Different Programs, including policies written by:
5 Star Life, Aetna, American Amicable, American General, American Home Life, American
National, Americo, Assurant, American Memorial, Assurity, Baltimore Life, Cincinnati Life, Columbian
Life, ELCO, Family Benefit Life, Foresters, Gerber Life, Great Western, Kemper, Liberty Bankers
Life, Nassau, Occidental, Oxford Life, Prosperity, Royal Neighbors, SBLI USA, Security National
Life, Sentinel Security, Standard Life, Transamerica, Trinity, United American, United Home Life, and
United of Omaha.
The Founder of
Howe Insurance Services

Don Howe
Don Howe served in the United States Air Force from 1972 to 1976. After receiving an Honorable Discharge, he attended college, got married, and in 1981, he established Howe Insurance Services. He and his wife have had 10 children and they currently have 17 grandchildren. He enjoys playing basketball and tries to play twice a week.

Don Howe
Don Howe served in the United States Air Force from 1972 to 1976…
Don Howe served in the United States Air Force from 1972 to 1976. After receiving an Honorable Discharge, he attended college, got married, and in 1981, he established Howe Insurance Services. He and his wife have had 10 children and they currently have 17 grandchildren. He enjoys playing basketball and tries to play twice a week.